programa 2 a 5 años

Kindergarten (Casa dei Bambini)

Kindergarten (Casa dei Bambini)

programa 2 a 5 años

Primary School

Primary School

programa 6 a 12 años

Lower Secondary School

Lower Secondary School

programa 12 a 15 años

Upper Secondary School

Upper Secondary School

programa 15 a 18 años

Technological Baccalaureate in Computer

Technological Baccalaureate in Computer

programa 15 a 18 años

Our School

Scuola Italiana di Montevideo is a school that integrates both the Italian and the National curriculum, thus opening doors to a multilingual and multicultural world.

It caters for children from 3 months of age to 18 years old. It is located in stimulating surroundings, enabling children and teenagers to learn in a friendly environment that promotes contact with nature and fosters inquiry-minded learners. Our spacious premises and extensive campus offer an invaluable opportunity for learning as well as for socializing.

Why Montessori?

Read more

“La meta dell’educazione deve essere stimolare il naturale desiderio di imparare.”

- María Montessori -

  • Opening doors to a global future

    Opening doors to a global future

Life at Scoula

Respectful School Culture

Respectful School Culture

Visual Arts

Visual Arts

Physical Education And Sports Department

Physical Education And Sports Department

Action Service, Leadership And Active Citizenship

Action Service, Leadership And Active Citizenship

International Exchange Programs

International Exchange Programs



Ecological Awareness

Ecological Awareness

Our projects


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The cultural and sports exchanges have a high educational value and contribute to enhance the Italian and English languages, to experience new didactic practices, to experience different realities and to enrich the social and cultural dimension of the students.


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As part of the "Heliópolis" project whose objective is to investigate the figure of Francisco Piria and his connections with alchemy and the study of astronomy, the students visit the city of Piriápolis.

Scuola Paradiso Ecologico


 It consists of a large multidisciplinary plan conceived, planned and elaborated by the students themselves with the guidance of their teachers, which foresees the construction and/or recovery of different spaces, reforestation, organic vegetable gardens, etc., based on ecological principles respectful of the environment.

📘Primera semana en la Scuola📘

Con mucha alegría llegamos al final de la primera semana de clases en la que recibimos a nuestros pequeños alumnos de los niveles 2, 3 4 y 5, algunos ya conocidos que nos acompañan desde que eran bebés y a los nuevos que se incorporan este año junto a sus familias.

Esta semana los alumnos de Bambini realizaron las jornadas de adaptación al colegio, conocieron a las maestras y docentes referentes con las que compartirán el año, además de disfrutar y jugar junto a sus compañeros de clase.

El bullicio y la emoción llenaron nuevamente los pasillos y patio de Primaria. Los alumnos, con sus mochilas cargadas de ilusiones, ingresaron a un sector que los recibió renovado y pronto para disfrutar de un gran año.

Así, entre risas y amigos, la primera semana en Primaria pasó volando.

Semana de reencuentros y nervios para nuestros alumnos más grandes, tanto para los que comienzan un nuevo ciclo en Scuola Media como los que lo hacen en Bachillerato.

Aprovechando al máximo estos días, los estudiantes disfrutan de los momentos compartidos junto a sus amigos en todos los espacios del colegio; y se preparan para un gran año lleno de desafíos, mucho estudio e intercambios académicos.

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Outstanding news

Visita Dott.ssa Maria Tripodi.

È stato un grande onore e un privilegio accogliere presso la Scuola Italiana di Montevideo la Sottosegretaria al Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, Dott.ssa Maria Tripodi.

🎓Graduation 2023🎓

Last Friday we celebrated the Graduation Ceremony of Generation 2023, an event that brought together students, families and teachers to mark the end of this academic stage.

  • Marcelo and Mariela / Parents of Francesca and Antonio:

    "Our children attend the SIM since they were 6 months of age. We value very much the human quality of the teaching and non-teaching team of the institution, the offer of different extracurricular activities, the use of the great property that it has and of course to be part of the great family of the Scuola"

  • Guido Lorieto / former student and father of Luca and Ema Lorieto:

     "I thank the Scuola for the training received and highlight the links that remain today with friends, teachers and school staff. It is an institution that has always been available at different stages of our lives. As students, alumni and currently as parents"

  • Julieta / Generation 2021:

    "I do not want to leave without saying thank you for giving me a place to feel at home and where I met all the people who accompanied me on this path"

  • Brenda Rodríguez, mother of Lucia and Federico Flynn:

    "The arrival at the Italian Scuola was a very important decision for our family, but the best without a doubt. Our children completely changed their way of studying and seeing the future, they grew in the curriculum, they study being happy, making friends and creating links with their peers and educators. In short, they educate children with respect, free, with dreams and prepared to achieve everything they set out to do."

  • Juan Martín / Generation 2022:

    "They marked a very important stage in my life. I carry each one in my heart and so on forever. Thank you for forming me and teaching me many good values"

  • Rossana Monteverdi / mother of María Pilar and Julio Santiago Carassale:

    "As parents we have a very big challenge for life with our children. Each stage has its importance and challenge, walking that path together with a School based on principles, values, transparency, that listens, is what generates confidence to understand and respect the different decisions and or advice. It's the best thing that can happen to a family"

  • Indira / Graduate Class of 2022:

    "They always made me feel at home"